4:38 AM

My First Netbook

I’m becoming convinced the netbook computer is the most valuable gadget in the world today. Of course a netbook can perform most of the work-related activities for which you buy a personal computer. You can prepare documents, spreadsheets, slide shows and, of course, surf the Internet. It is also a fantastic communication tool for email, instant messaging and for free long-distance calling using VOIP programs like Skype. What’s more, you can combine VOIP with a webcam to conduct virtual meetings so you can see and hear colleagues who are scattered all over the world – absolutely free. There are even free recording programs, like Pamela, that allow you to record your meetings. Dimdim and Elluminate’s vRoom allow you to combine free voice, video, recording, and a shared whiteboard for free virtual meetings. The netbook is much like the Swiss Army knife of electronic gadgets.

I’ve recently decided to buy my first netbook. I’ve resisted until now because their screens and keyboards where just too small. But there are now many netbook choices that include 10 inch screens and 93% keyboards.

Asus has been widely credited for bringing the netbook into the mainstream, but their products look to me too much like a toy – that was until the S101. The Asus eEE PC S101 is absolutely beautiful and weighs just one kilogram. While it was “love and first sight,” I delayed my purchase because of the P34,000 price tag. There are several other alternatives (for example, HP, MSI, and Lenovo), in terms of processor, storage, battery life, and connectivity for about 30% less money. So, the question I need to answer for my netbook decision is whether to spend P21,000 to P24,000 for a great netbook or about P34,000 for a great netbook that is absolutely gorgeous.


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