4:38 AM

My First Netbook

I’m becoming convinced the netbook computer is the most valuable gadget in the world today. Of course a netbook can perform most of the work-related activities for which you buy a personal computer. You can prepare documents, spreadsheets, slide shows and, of course, surf the Internet. It is also a fantastic communication tool for email, instant messaging and for free long-distance calling using VOIP programs like Skype. What’s more, you can combine VOIP with a webcam to conduct virtual meetings so you can see and hear colleagues who are scattered all over the world – absolutely free. There are even free recording programs, like Pamela, that allow you to record your meetings. Dimdim and Elluminate’s vRoom allow you to combine free voice, video, recording, and a shared whiteboard for free virtual meetings. The netbook is much like the Swiss Army knife of electronic gadgets.

I’ve recently decided to buy my first netbook. I’ve resisted until now because their screens and keyboards where just too small. But there are now many netbook choices that include 10 inch screens and 93% keyboards.

Asus has been widely credited for bringing the netbook into the mainstream, but their products look to me too much like a toy – that was until the S101. The Asus eEE PC S101 is absolutely beautiful and weighs just one kilogram. While it was “love and first sight,” I delayed my purchase because of the P34,000 price tag. There are several other alternatives (for example, HP, MSI, and Lenovo), in terms of processor, storage, battery life, and connectivity for about 30% less money. So, the question I need to answer for my netbook decision is whether to spend P21,000 to P24,000 for a great netbook or about P34,000 for a great netbook that is absolutely gorgeous.

2:51 AM

Sony Ericsson - Gooobye Nokia

W595 Sony Ericsson this is my new phone I haven’t have any problem with it since I purchased the phone. I bought the silver color - I think this is a cool phone that I like so much that I want to keep it for long time.

My phone has a 3.2 MP camera, as well as a Walkman player. The mp3/mp4 sound quality is awesome. It also has FM radio, Bluetooth, USB, 3G, built-in handsfree and comes with 2GB of external memory.

2:49 AM

Nokia5310 ExpressMusic

I purchased two of the Nokia 5310 Express Music cell phones. I was originally attracted to the unit because of the great stereo sound quality. I purchased one of the units for my own use from a store called Phones and Gadgets in one of the large mall near my condo. My little sis bought the same phone, only from another store just a couple of days later. Truth be told, my little sis does not know much about phones and purchased this particular one because I was very excited about my phone and she loved the sound quality of my phone.

The problems began only three days after my sis made in purchase. She asked me what to do and I told her to take her phone back to where she purchased it. They refused to help and directed her to the Nokia Care Store in the same mall where I bought my cell phone. My sis phone simply “froze” and none of the phone’s functions worked at all. At the Nokia Care Store they simply took the phone’s battery out and put it back in again. She asked what caused the problem and the Nokia Care Store employee simply assured her the problem would not occur again. But that was not the end of the problem – only the beginning.

A couple of days later the same problem happened again. This time when my sis returned the phone to the Nokia Care Store, they sent the phone away for a week so it could be “re-formatted.” After receiving the phone and using it a couple of days, the problem returned. So, once again we took his phone to the Nokia Care Store and you can guess what happened – they kept the phone for another week and again when it was returned they pronounced the phone “fixed.” A Manager at the Nokia Care Store promised my sis that if the same problem happened one more time, they would replace the phone with another one, so long as we had all the packing materials, accessories, and the sales receipt.

It did not take more than two or three more days until the phone “froze” again. So we gathered all of the materials required by the Nokia Care Store Manager and return everything to the store so they would replace our phone.

We were shocked when the Manager not only refused to replace the phone as promised, they would not even attempt any further repairs. They brashly told us to go away and stop bothering them because they could not repair the phone and did not intend to replace it. We were ripped-off! Now to my Nokia 5310 Express Music cell phone saga.

My cell phone had a multitude of problems. I noticed the first problem with my phone about a month after its purchase. While speaking with some or listening to music – it would just shut-off. It was simple enough to turn the phone on again, but the problem was annoying and not something a new phone should do. Next, I noticed the phone became quite hot to the touch – particularly on the back on the unit. Frankly, I was not willing to take the phone back to the Nokia Care Store because of the disrespectful and dishonest behavior previous endured.

I checked out the problems I was experiencing on the Internet to see if someone else had similar problems and found solutions. Sure enough, I found numerous complaints from Nokia customers who purchased the same phone. They described many of the same problems, but could not find solutions. I even sent emails to Nokia and posted comments on their website, asking for their help. I received only one response in which they wanted to have additional information about the dates we visited the Nokia Care Store and the names of the persons with whom we spoke. I sent all of the information they requested, along with a picture of their store – the phone’s camera was one of the few features that did always operate properly. What was Nokia response – nothing! No answer at all.

I was so excited when I first purchased my Nokia 5310 Express Music phone. I was one of the first of my friends to have this particular model. I purchased it when it was first introduce in the market. I bought it right away without investigating or reading what other users had to say about this unit because I had always had good experiences with Nokia phones in the past.

I had so many regrets and frustrations with this Nokia 5310 phone; I will never buy another Nokia phone. I guess the simple, inexpensive Nokia phones are fairly good, while the more sophisticated, expensive phones just don’t work. Perhaps their strategy is to gain your confidence with cheap phones, on which they make little money, so they can rip you off on the expensive models. If you are planning to buy any Nokia phone, I suggest you perform a little research on the Internet first to see what the other users have to say about the unit you are considering. Don’t make the same mistake I made and trust Nokia’s quality. I can accept the fact that companies sometimes make mistakes. But what I cannot forgive is a company who will not take responsibility for their mistakes. Nokia make mistakes in producing the Nokia 5310 phone, but worse yet, they did not honor they warranty and treated this customer with disrespect and lies.

Here are some of users’ reviews that I quoted from the following site http:// http://www.gsmarena.com/ or you can go to http://www.noika.com.ph and click the discussion section to see for your self. Here are some examples of Nokia customers’ comments:

User 1:
“Nowadays, Nokia phones really sucks! The more I use them, the more I hate them!I have 6500S & 6500C, 8800Arte & this 6600S - all sucks ... fingerprint magnet, short battery life, lousy camera and overheat during calls!”“Overheat during longer duration calls is the biggest issue! What was Nokia's business before producing hand phones?...manufacture heaters?!”

User 2:
“Nokia R&D department is not doing a thorough job before they pass the phone to the production department - or else the speaker will be placed in a different place!” “I suggest for Nokia to find head hunters and look for workers from Motorola R&D department to join Nokia...”

On the http://www.gsmarena.com/ site you can find many phone brands and units. Just enter the unit of the phone that you want to learn about and you can start reading what other users have to say about it. But for me, I will never ever buy another Nokia phone again. I have had enough of their phones already what a WASTE!